Monday, December 7, 2009

Bringing Jobs Back

Despite a drop in the number of newly unemployed, the dismal real unemployment numbers in the US point to a need for drastic measures that will help stimulate job creation.  The Obama Administration recently held a Jobs and Economic Growth Forum to garner ideas that would help kick start a new phase of economic growth.  That effort is to be applauded and given full support by every concerned citizen.  However, grand schemes and efforts to reverse job losses stemming from the years of relentless exporting of manufacturing and all kinds of back office work to lower cost offshore centers will take time.  Congress will need to put aside partisan politics and dig deep for the courage and good sense necessary to pass laws and investment incentives that will smooth the passage for recovery without jeopardizing the future. 

In the meantime, we cannot just sit by and hope that things will change.  We cannot wait another year to replace ineffective members of Congress and put new ones in there that will do the will of the People who elected them rather than the will of the lobbyists and the people that employ them for their own selfish gains.  We cannot wait another year and see continuing job losses, even if it is at a reduced pace.  Clearly, those who have lost jobs since 2007 and are still unemployed or underemployed cannot wait another year, hoping that their unemployment checks (if they are collecting one – most self employed people do not even have that luxury) will continue and fearing the worst should any unexpected illness befall them as they lose their health insurance coverage.

As good as tax credits and new hiring incentives sound, they won’t immediately create or bring back jobs.  Corporations and businesses will not hire unless there is a demand for their products and services.  Tax credits are only good if they make a profit – if there is no profit, they won’t be paying taxes in the first place.

As concerned citizens, what can we do that will help turnaround the economy and will do so with an immediacy that the lawmakers can’t?  You might not think that as individuals, you’ll have much influence but you’d be wrong not to take into account the effect of critical mass – if there are enough of us who are prepared and willing to do something about it, WE can help turn the tide.

Starting with this holiday season, think “American” in all the things you buy and in the gifts you are planning for your friends and family.  Here’s a list of gift ideas that have a high American content and will help keep or create more American jobs:

  • Tickets to Broadway and Off-Broadway or any local theatrical and orchestral productions.  Attend a “Messiah” concert to get into the holiday spirit and bring a friend with you.  The Arts are hurting as corporate donors slash costs that do not help with their bottom line and as individual donors are faced with real or possible unemployment.  
  • Tickets on domestic airlines to domestic destinations for that winter break.  Airlines are very labor intensive (despite their automated reservation system) and they have the ability to quickly bring back capacity and jobs as demand increases.  Hotels, resorts and theme parks at your destination are also highly labor intensive and your patronage is a key driver.
  • Gift baskets filled with domestic products (wines, cheeses, fruits, jellies, crackers, etc.).  It may be chic to have imported gift items but they don’t create American jobs to the same extent.  American products are world class and, in most cases, less expensive than imported ones.
  • Gym / Sports Club Memberships.  Register yourself and your friends for a trial membership at a local gym or at a Yoga or Tai-Chi class.  If you like the experience enough (going with a friend always help), you might sign up for a more permanent membership.  These are again service oriented industries and quickly creates employment opportunities as class sizes are normally limited and each new class will require new instructors and support staff.  You’ll do yourself and your friend a world of good and you can work off the extra pounds from the many holiday parties and keep you fit for the challenges in the days and years ahead.  Think of your positive contribution towards reducing healthcare costs as well.
  • Sign yourself and a friend up for a class to learn new culinary skills, a new language or pick up defensive driving credits.  You’ll be a better cook and you and your family will eat healthier OR you’ll be better qualified for jobs that look to exporting American goods and services to overseas markets with your new linguistic skills OR you’ll save a few bucks on your car insurance.
  • Invite your friends from other countries to come visit America.  It is a beautiful country and there is so much to see and do and they can take advantage of the weaker dollar.  Sales taxes in America are very low compared to the VAT or GST levied in many countries.  Tourism is a big employer of labor and every direct job created has a multiplier effect, creating further (indirect) sales and jobs.

I’ve planted a few easy ideas on what you might do to help turn around the economy.  I’m sure that as you put your mind to it, there will be plenty more you can think of to add to the list.  The important thing is to ACT NOW and THINK AMERICAN.  Focus on the American Content factor (read my previous post) in what you consume and you will be instrumental in bringing jobs back the way your politicians can’t.

As I began to write this blog, I was reminded of a very short rhyme that I learned in grade school:

Little drops of water, little grains of sand

Makes the mighty ocean, and the pleasant land.


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